Sushant Gaurav

IEEE Standards in Computer Networks

IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The main AIM of IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The IEEE standards in computer networks ensure communication between various devices; it also helps to make sure that the network service, i.e., the Internet and its related technologies, must follow a set of guidelines and practices so that all the networking devices can communicate and work smoothly. Since there are various types of computer system manufacturers, the IEEE’s Computer Society started a project in 1985 called project 802 to enable standard communication between various devices. The standards that deal with computer networking are called the IEEE 802 wireless standards.

What are IEEE Standards in Computer Networks?

Before learning about the IEEE standards in computer networks, let us get a brief introduction to IEEE. IEEE, or Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is an organization that develops standards for the electronics industry and computers. IEEE is composed of numerous scientists, engineers, and students from all over the globe. The main AIM of IEEE is to ensure foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

The IEEE standards in computer networks ensure communication between various devices; it also helps to make sure that the network service, i.e., the Internet and its related technologies, must follow a set of guidelines and practices so that all the networking devices can communicate and work smoothly.

Since there are various types of computer system manufacturers, the IEEE’s computer society started a project in 1985 called Project 802 to enable standard communication between various devices. Under this project, the IEEE divided the data link layer into two sub-parts, namely

  • LLC or Logical Link Control and
  • MAC or Media Access Control.

The standards that deal with computer networking (networking in general) are called the IEEE 802 wireless standards. The IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that deals with the data link layer and physical layer technologies like ethernet and wireless communications.

There are various IEEE standards in computer networks. We will be discussing all the IEEE standards in computer networks in the later section. Let us first learn about the three notable IEEE standards.

  1. IEEE 802: The IEEE 802 deals with the standards of LAN and MAN, i.e., Local Area Network and Metropolitan Area Network.
  2. IEEE 802.1: The IEEE 802.1 deals with the standards of LAN and MAN. Along with that, it also deals with the MAC (Media Access Control) bridging.
  3. IEEE 802.2: The IEEE 802.2 deals with the LLC (Logical Link Control).

Let us take an example of IEEE standards in computer networks. The IEEE 802.11 standard in computer networks is used in various homely devices like laptops, printers, smartphones, and various other devices that allow them to communicate with each other using the Internet. Hence, the IEEE 802.11 standard in computer networks is useful for devices that use wireless communication, i.e., WiFi bands.

Note: The IEEE 802.11 is a part of the IEEE 802 set of LAN technical standards.

List of IEEE Standards in Computer Networks

Let us look at the various IEEE standards in computer networks and their usage (or function):

IEEE standards in computer networksDescription
IEEE 802It is used for the overview and architecture of LAN/MAN.
IEEE 802.1It is used for bridging and management of LAN/MAN.
IEEE 802.1sIt is used in multiple spanning trees.
IEEE 802.1 wIt is used for rapid reconfiguration of spanning trees.
IEEE 802.1xIt is used for network access control of ports.
IEEE 802.2It is used in Logical Link Control (LLC).
IEEE 802.3It is used in Ethernet (CSMA/CD access method).
IEEE 802.3aeIt is used for 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
IEEE 802.4It is used for token passing bus access methods and the physical layer specifications.
IEEE 802.5It is used for token ring access methods and the physical layer specifications.
IEEE 802.6It is used in distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) access method and for the physical layer specifications (MAN).
IEEE 802.7It is used in broadband LAN.
IEEE 802.8It is used in fiber optics.
IEEE 802.9It is used in isochronous LANs.
IEEE 802.10It is used in interoperable LAN/MAN security.
IEEE 802.11It is used in wireless LAN, MAC, and Physical layer specifications.
IEEE 802.12It is used in the demand-priority access method, in the physical layer, and in repeater specifications.
IEEE 802.13It is not used.
IEEE 802.14It is used in cable modems (not used now).
IEEE 802.15It is used in WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network).
IEEE 802.16It is used in Wireless MAN (Wireless Metropolitan Area Network).
IEEE 802.17It is used in RPR access (Resilient Packet Ring).

Why IEEE 802 Standards are Important?

There are numerous computer equipment manufacturers in the world, and they manufacture network hardware that would connect to certain computers only. Now, this is a major problem since it would be very difficult to connect various systems having different hardware.

So, the IEEE standards for computer networks developed IEEE 802 standards which ensure that various devices having different network hardware can easily connect over the network and exchange data. The IEEE 802 standards also make sure that the network connectivity and management are easier.


  • IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The main AIM of IEEE is to ensure foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
  • The IEEE standards in computer networks ensure communication between various devices.
  • The IEEE standards in computer networks make sure that the network service, i.e., the Internet and its related technologies, must follow a set of guidelines and practices so that all the networking devices can communicate and work smoothly.
  • Since there is various type of computer system manufacturers, the IEEE’s computer society started a project in 1985 called the project 802 to enable standard communication between various device.
  • The IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that deals with the data link layer and physical layer technologies like ethernet and wireless communications.
  • The IEEE standards for computer networks developed IEEE 802 standards which ensures that various devices having different network hardware can easily connect over the network and exchange data.
  • The IEEE 802 standards also make sure that the network connectivity and management are easier.
  • The IEEE 802 standards can be used by the organization to ensure that any new product meets the requirements of standards or not.
  • The IEEE 802 standards can also be used to define the connectivity infrastructure of the network. For example, individual networks, large-scale networks, etc.
