Sushant Gaurav

Difference between Web Browser and Web Server

Web browsers and servers each play a unique role in interacting with the internet. A web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, is a tool that allows users to explore websites and view their content. On the other hand, a web server is a remote computer that hosts websites and distributes their content to browsers, allowing for online access.

What is a Web Browser?

To learn about the difference between web browser and web server, let us first get familiar with Web browsers.

When you type a website’s name, the browser does some behind-the-scenes work. It finds the right place where the website lives and asks for the stuff that makes up the site, like pictures, colors, and words. Once it gets all those things, the browser puts them together. It arranges the words, makes everything look pretty, and adds special effects. This helps you see and use the website just the way it’s meant to be seen.

Technically speaking, a web browser acts as a user interface for interacting with online content. It functions as a software application that interprets and displays web resources. The process begins when a user enters a web address (URL), prompting the browser to initiate a series of technical operations. The browser utilizes the Domain Name System (DNS) to translate the URL into an IP address, identifying the relevant web server. Using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or its secure variant (HTTPS), the browser establishes a connection with the server and requests the specific resources linked to the URL, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript files, and multimedia components.

Important features of a web browser include:

  • It is a user-friendly software for browsing websites.
  • Begin requests for websites.
  • Renders and displays web material.
  • Handles client-side operations such as the execution of JavaScript.

What is a Web Server?

Before moving to the difference between a web browser and a web server, let us now get familiar with Web servers.

Think of a web server as a helpful computer for the internet. It’s like a librarian that gets you the right books when you ask for them. When you type a website address in your browser, the web server finds the webpage and sends it to your computer. It’s like the librarian organizing and giving you the books you want. The web server also makes sure the information travels safely between your device and the website. So, every time you look at a website, a web server is quietly working to show it to you.

The following are critical web server points:

  • A backend mechanism for storing online content.
  • Takes in and handles requests
  • Sends requested data to the user’s browser.
  • Focuses on server-side scripting and delivering content.

Difference between Web Browser and Web Server

Let us now summarize the difference between web browsers and web servers in a comparison table.

When you type a web address into your computer’s browser, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and press Enter, you’re starting a fascinating dance between two fundamental components of the internet: the web browser and the web server. These two play separate roles in making the internet run smoothly. Let’s look at the distinctions between them.

AspectWeb BrowserWeb Server
FunctionDisplays websites and web pages to users.Stores, processes, and delivers web content to users who request them.
User InterfaceProvides a graphical interface for users to interact.Usually doesn’t have a user interface; operates in the backend.
RequestsSends requests for web pages by typing URLs or clicking links.Receives and processes requests, sending back requested pages.
RenderingInterprets HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to display web content.Doesn’t render content; focuses on storing and transmitting.
ExamplesChrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, etc.Nginx, Apache, IIS (Internet Information Services), etc.
Client-side ActionsExecutes JavaScript, displays multimedia, and runs plugins.Doesn’t execute JavaScript; processes server-side scripts.
Components of the ArchitectureConsists of rendering engine, user interface, networking components, JavaScript engine, etc.Comprises server software, operating system, and hardware, and may include databases and application logic.
Processing ModelFocuses on interpreting and displaying web resources.Primarily deals with processing requests and sending back responses.
Data StoragePrimarily deals with processing requests and sending back responses.Stores web content, databases, and other relevant data.


  • Web browsers are user-friendly internet gateways that allow us to access websites, interact with content, and navigate the enormous digital landscape.
  • They interpret and display online pages, allowing us to view text, photos, videos, and other content in a pleasant visual manner. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge are common examples.
  • Web servers, however, are the workhorses that store, manage, and distribute web information behind the scenes. They reply to browser requests by transmitting website files like HTML, pictures, and scripts.
  • Web browsers serve as the user’s window into the online world, while web servers are the silent motors that keep the digital world running.
  • Both are essential parts of the system that keep the internet running.
