Articles for author: Aditya Saxena

Aditya Saxena

Flooding in Computer Networks

Flooding is a technique of routing in computer networking, in which a sender node transmits packets via all the outgoing links. Flooding is similar to broadcasting in that it happens when sender packets are transferred without routing data to each network node attached. Since flooding naturally utilizes each route in the network, flooding algorithms are ...

Aditya Saxena

Program to Calculate the Round Trip Time

Round-trip time(RTT) in networking, also called the round-trip delay time is a benchmark that measures the amount of time it takes for a data packet to be sent in addition to the amount of time it takes for acceptance of that signal to be received in milliseconds. RTT delay also includes propagation times between two ...

Aditya Saxena

Onion Routing

Onion routing is a method of communicating anonymously over a network. A data message is contained within several layers of encryption, in an onion network. This data is transferred via a sequence of network nodes known as onion routers—the onion routers "peel" away one layer, revealing the next destination of the data. Once the decryption ...