Articles for author: Akshay Mishra

Akshay Mishra

Routed Protocols vs Routing Protocols

A routed protocol allows for data routing. IP and AppleTalk are two examples of routed protocols. An addressing method is necessary for such a protocol. You may determine the network that a host belongs to as well as where that host is located on that network by using the addressing scheme. A routed protocol can ...

Akshay Mishra

Shannon-Fano Algorithm for Data Compression

Lossless compression and lossy compression are two methods that can be used. In contrast to lossless compression, which preserves all data, lossy compression shrinks the size of the data by deleting extraneous information.For lossless data compression of multimedia, the Shannon-Fano Algorithm is an entropy encoding method. It gives each symbol a code depending on how ...

Akshay Mishra

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Automatic distribution and assignment of IP addresses, default gateways, and other network characteristics to client devices are performed by a DHCP server, a type of network server. For clients to successfully communicate on the network, a DHCP server automatically delivers the necessary network parameters. Without it, the network administrator must manually configure each new client ...

Akshay Mishra

Multiplexing TCP and UDP Socket

All protocol architectures that have ever been created offer multiplexing and demultiplexing features. The source port number field and the destination port number field are two unique fields that UDP and TCP use to conduct the demultiplexing and multiplexing tasks in the segment headers.Multiplexing is the act of assembling data from several application processes of ...

Akshay Mishra

Network Layer Design Issues

Network layer design involves key challenges: routing, addressing, and forwarding. Routing protocols determine paths for data packets, balancing efficiency and reliability. Addressing assigns unique identifiers to devices. Forwarding directs packets based on addresses. Quality of Service (QoS) ensures performance levels. Security must safeguard data. Scalability addresses growth. Interoperability supports different technologies. Congestion control manages data ...

Akshay Mishra

What is Stack Organization?

Stack organization refers to a computer architecture where memory is managed in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) structure. It’s commonly used for function calls and local variables. The stack contains data such as return addresses and values, aiding program flow. This organized approach simplifies memory management and improves efficiency in execution. What is a Stack Organization? Stack ...

Akshay Mishra

What is Ethernet?

Robert Metcalfe and others developed the Ethernet protocol at Xerox PARC in 1973 as a wired communication protocol that links computers over a network. This is a widely used LAN protocol, also called Alto Aloha Network. A wide area network and an original area network are connected by it. What is Ethernet? Ethernet in computer networks refers ...

Akshay Mishra

What is MAC Address?

MAC address is the physical address, which uniquely identifies each device on a given network. To make communication between two networked devices, we need two addresses: IP address and MAC address. A physical address that operates at the Data Link Layer is called a Media Access Control Address. It is assigned to the NIC (Network Interface card) of ...

Akshay Mishra

Access Network

Essential for connecting devices to broader networks, access networks underpin services like Internet, VoIP, and video streaming. Blending wired and wireless technologies is vital for personal and enterprise use. Maintained by ISPs, these networks continuously evolve, incorporating technologies like FTTH to enhance speed and reliability. What Does an Access Network Do?  Before the employment of ...

Akshay Mishra


Until the introduction of software-defined networking (SDN), a class of technologies that separates the network control plane from the forwarding plane to enable more automated provisioning and policy-based administration of network resources, hardware ruled the networking industry. The most accurate definition of SDN is the technology that separates the management of network devices’ control planes from the underlying data ...