Articles for author: Priyanshu Pandey

Priyanshu Pandey

What is DNS (Domain Name System)?

Similar to how a phone’s contacts list matches names to numbers, the domain name system is a naming database that locates and translates internet domain names to their unique IP addresses. DNS is used in various internet activities to swiftly discover an IP address to connect to and access content. DNS is important because, for humans, it’s ...

Priyanshu Pandey

How Does WiFi Work?

WiFi or wireless fidelity is a wireless networking technology that connects computers (laptops and desktops), mobile devices (smartphones and wearables), and other equipment (printers and video cameras) to the Internet. It enables these devices, as well as many others, to communicate with one another, forming a network. In today’s world, WiFi is one of the most important means ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

The RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a distance-vector routing protocol. Routers that use the distance-vector protocol send all or a portion of their routing tables to their neighbors in routing-update messages. The Routing Information Protocol employs a distance vector algorithm to determine which path a packet should take to reach its destination. Each RIP router maintains its ...

Priyanshu Pandey

TCP/IP Protocol Suite

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol and is a suite of communication protocols that makes data exchange between two devices possible. TCP/IP specifies how data should be packetized, addressed, transmitted, routed, and received on a network by providing end-to-end communication. As compared to the OSI model, which is a theoretical model, TCP/IP is an application and practical ...

Priyanshu Pandey

MQTT Protocol

MQTT stands for Message Queuing Telemetry Transport and is a lightweight publish/subscribe messaging protocol for Machine to Machine(M2M) telemetry in low bandwidth environments. It was developed in 1999 by Arlen Nipper and Andy Stanford-Clark of IBM to link Oil Pipeline telemetry systems through satellite. It was once a proprietary protocol, but in 2010 MQTT was made available royalty-free, and in 2014 MQTT was made an OASIS standard. MQTT ...

Priyanshu Pandey

What is Firewall in Computer Network ?

A firewall can be hardware or software that controls a device’s secure in-flow and out-flow of data. It monitors network traffic and serves as a firewall between trusted and untrusted networks. Firewalls, particularly Next-Generation Firewalls, are designed to protect against malware and application-layer attacks. When you use a firewall as part of your security infrastructure, you configure your network with specific ...

History of Computer Network

Overview The world’s current population is around 7.6 billion people, and the number of devices connected to the internet is estimated to be over 50 billion, implying that each person uses approximately 6 internet-connected devices. This number has been increasing since the day when the first network, ARPANET was made. In today’s world, one cannot imagine life without the internet. In this article, ...