Articles for author: Satyam Tripathi

Binomial Heap

The heap is a tree-based structure that is a complete binary tree. The binomial tree is of orders 0 and 1. A binomial heap is a specific implementation of a heap. It is a collection of small binomial heaps that are linked to each other and follow the heap property. There should be at least ...

Implementation of Stack using Array

Stacks is a key data structure in modern programming that facilitate efficient software development with Last In First Out (LIFO) principle. Stack is created using one-dimensional arrays. This method involves a ‘top’ variable, which tracks the latest element, ensuring that the last added item is the first to be removed. This article delves into implementing ...

Fizz Buzz Program

The FizzBuzz problem, a common coding exercise, involves iterating from 1 to n. For each integer, print “Fizz” if it’s a multiple of 3, “Buzz” if a multiple of 5, “FizzBuzz” if divisible by both 3 and 5, and the number itself if none of these conditions apply. Creating a FizzBuzz program efficiently handles these ...

Height of Tree

A tree is a nonlinear hierarchical data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges. The most common type of tree is the binary tree. In this, each node has 2 children, i.e., Left and Right. The node that doesn’t have any parents is known as the root node, and the node that doesn’t have any children nodes is known as the leaf node. ...

Delete a Node from Linked List

A linked list is a linear data structure that consists of nodes where each node has two fields. The first field is the data field, and the second field is the address field, which is a reference(link) to the next node. We can perform various functions in a linked list, like insertion, deletion, searching, sorting, and many ...

Arithmetic Progression

A progression is a sequence of numbers that shows a pattern. The arithmetic progression is the most widely used mathematical progression, and it occurs when the difference between every two consecutive terms in a series is same. It is also known as an arithmetic sequence. Let’s say we have a series of even numbers (2, ...

Splay Tree

Splay Tree in data structures is a type of binary search tree that uses a splaying operation on the tree so the most frequently used elements can come closer to the root. This increases the insertion, deletion, and search operations in the tree. Scope of the Article Introduction to Splay Tree As we know, the ...

Types of Queue

In the real world, a queue is defined as a row of elements in which one element enters from one side and exits from the other. Similarly, in data structures, the queue exhibits the same property, i.e., we can add an element from the rear end, which is also known as the tail of the ...

Painters Partition Problem

In Painters Partition problem, we have M boards of length {l1, l2,... lm} to paint, and there are N painters available. In Painters Partition, each painter takes one unit of time to paint one unit of the board. Calculate the minimum amount of time to complete this task while keeping in mind that any painter ...

Polish Notation

In this article, we will study polish notation in the data structure. Polish Notation in the data structure is a method of expressing mathematical, logical, and algebraic equations universally. This notation is used by the compiler to evaluate mathematical equations based on their order of operations. When parsing mathematical expressions, three types of notations are ...