Articles for author: Sindhuja Gudala

Isomorphic graph

This article explains the concept of isomorphism in graph data structures. A pair of given graphs are said to be isomorphic graphs if they are structurally equivalent. It means there exists a mapping(bijection) between the vertices of the two graphs. Using this mapping, one graph can be converted into the other by replacing its vertices ...

Huffman Coding

When you want to send files or store the files on a computer, if the size is very huge we generally compress it and store it. One way of compressing these files is using Huffman Coding which is a greedy-based algorithm that is also known as variable-length coding or lossless data compression technique. Introduction to ...

Difference Between BFS and DFS

The Difference Between BFS and DFS lies in their traversal methods. BFS explores nodes level by level, making it ideal for finding the shortest path. In contrast, DFS explores, as far as possible, each branch suited for topological sorting and detecting cycles. What is BFS? Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a vertex-based algorithm used to find the ...

Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication

Problem Statment Consider two matrices X and Y each of the size N*N. We want to calculate the resultant matrix Z which is formed by multiplying the given two matrices i.e, X and Y. Example Let’s consider the below matrices for multiplication. Matrix A has a size N*M and matrix B has a size A*B. ...

Merge K Sorted Linked Lists

How to merge K-sorted linked lists Given K sorted linked lists, merge them in a sorted manner and return the head of the linked list. Explanation: All elements from the sorted lists are merged in a sorted manner and the head of the sorted list is returned. Constraints : Approach 1(Simple): KaTeX parse error: $ ...

Missing Number in Array

You are given with the array of length n-1 and elements ranging from 1 to n, you have to figure out the missing number. Scope This article tells how to find the missing number in the array In this article we will learn finding missing number using mathematical approch In this article we will learn ...

Segmented Sieve

Given a number N, print all the prime numbers less than N. Prime numbers are the numbers which are divisible by 1and itself only. Example: Input: Output: Example Explanation: The given input number is 12, and prime numbers which are smaller than 12 are only 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. So, they are printed. Constraints: ...

Sindhuja Gudala

Route Poisoning and Count to Infinity Problem

This article explains the Route Poisoning and Count to infinity problem which is caused by the routing loop (A network problem in which packets continue to be routed in an endless circle) in the Distance Vector Routing (DVR) network protocol. The Distance Vector Routing protocol acquires information/ packets from its neighbor routers/nodes to reach the ...

Sindhuja Gudala

Packet Flow in the Same Network

For transferring a packet from the source host to the destination host in the network we require both the MAC and IP address of the destination host. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a protocol from the second layer i.e, the Data link layer in the OSI model that connects a dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address ...