Articles for author: Sushant Gaurav

Tree Traversal

The tree is a hierarchical non-linear data structure that is used to organize, store, and manipulated the data efficiently. The tree traversal in the data structure is a technique that is used to traverse or visit the nodes of a tree (for printing, modifying, etc.). As we know all the nodes of a tree form ...

Height of Binary Tree

Given with the binary tree, find the height of the tree. Height of the binary tree is one more than the largest number of edges in the path from the root node to the lowest level leaf node. Problem Statement We are given a binary tree as input and we need to find the height ...

Sushant Gaurav

What is WPS in Wi-Fi?

WPS stands for WiFi Protected Setup and is a network security standard whose aim is to make connections between wireless devices and a router in a fast and easy way. The Wi-Fi Protected Setup or WPS was originally known as Wi-Fi Simple Config. The WPS was built by Cisco in the year 2006. It was introduced to allow home users (who ...

Sushant Gaurav

Frequency Division and Time Division Multiplexing

The signal transmission over various channels can be performed in two different ways namely – Frequency division and Time division multiplexing. In frequency division multiplexing, we transfer many signals at the same time and each source transmits its signals in its allocated range of frequency. In the time division multiplexing, the transmission time is divided ...

Sushant Gaurav

P2P(Peer To Peer) File Sharing

Peer-to-peer has decentralized the simplest form of network architecture where every computer system can communicate with every other computer system. In the peer-to-peer network, each node of the network has equal permission and responsibility for processing the data or information. Each computer network in the peer-to-peer computer network architecture acts as an independent workstation and ...

Sushant Gaurav

TCP Server-Client Implementation

The communication between different processes on the same nodes or different nodes in a network is done using the concept of a socket. A socket is a structure that allows communication between processes (of the same or different machines) i.e. sending and receiving data over a network. A socket works with the port number associated ...

Sushant Gaurav

Coaxial Cable in Computer Networks

An electrical cable with copper as a conductor material, a shielding of insulator material, and a braided mesh metal is known as a coaxial cable in computer networks. A coaxial cable is also known as a coax. The coaxial cable supports high-speed signal transfer over a larger distance as compared to other cables like twisted ...

Sushant Gaurav

Sliding Window Protocol

The sliding window protocol is a data link layer protocol that is useful in the sequential and reliable delivery of the data frames. Using the sliding window protocol, the sender can send multiple frames at a time. The sliding window protocol uses a mechanism of sequence numbers. The sender associates a sequence number to the ...

Sushant Gaurav

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET)

SONET (Synchronous Optical Network) is a standardized form of protocol that is used in digital communication between the sender and the receiver. It uses a fiber optic medium to transmit a huge amount of data across a large distance. SONET helps us to transmit data over larger distances with greater data transmission rates. We have ...

Sushant Gaurav

Build a Chatroom in Python

A chatroom is a minimal chatting application. A chatroom is a minimal server that we can create and allow several clients to connect. All the clients that are connected to the server can transfer messages and data to one another via the central server. In this project, we will broadcast our message to every client ...