Articles for author: Trapti Gupta

Trapti Gupta

Advanced Networking

Advanced networking provides flexibility so that guest networks can be easily defined. Advanced networking is a high throughput computing. WireCap is a packet capture engine, and for accelerating the movement of data Multicore-Aware Data Transfer Middleware (MDTM) project has been developed. BigData Express, SENSE, N-able N-sight, Paessler Network Troubleshooting with PRTG, etc., are some of the terms used in the ...

Trapti Gupta

What is Supernetting?

Supernetting is the process of aggregation of multiple networks into a single network, and it is an inverse process of subnetting. CIDR Value, Network ID, Subnet Mask, Broadcast ID, and Block Size of the route ID are the information required for performing the Supernetting. Supernetting can only be performed on those networks that satisfy the three rules that are explained in this ...

Trapti Gupta

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol

OSPF stands for Open Shortest Path First and it is an intradomain protocol. This protocol is used for exchanging information between the dynamic routers. OSPF protocol is based on the link state routing algorithm. OSPF is used within the autonomous system and it divides the autonomous system into different areas. Introduction OSPF Areas Refer to the ...

Trapti Gupta

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)

Digital Subscriber Line is abbreviated as DSL and provides the service of internet transmission with the help of a copper wire telecommunication line. And it maintains the speed of transferred data. Asymmetric DSL (ADSL), Consumer DSL (CDSL), DSL Lite, High-bit-rate DSL (HDSL), etc. are the types of DSL. What is DSL? A communication medium that provides the service of transferring internet using ...

Trapti Gupta

TCP Timers

Various types of timers are used by the TCP to avoid excessive delay during the transmission of the segment. Some of the TCP timers are timeout timer, time wait timer, keep alive timer, and persistent timer. Introduction Various types of TCP timers are used to make sure that excessive delay in the transmission of data ...

Trapti Gupta

Local Area Network (LAN) Technologies

LAN is a type of network which is used to connect devices within a limited area. LAN is limited to a building, church, school, or small geographical area. Ethernet and power over the Ethernet are the most popular LAN technologies used today. Cost efficiency, Installed base, Maintainability, and Performance are factors considered while selecting the ...

Trapti Gupta

Controlled Access Protocols

In controlled access protocols, communication on a shared medium is regulated to prevent data collisions. Each station consults with others to determine which has the transmission right, allowing only one node to send data at a time. This method ensures efficient data transfer without conflicts. The three primary controlled access techniques are Reservation, Polling, and ...

Trapti Gupta

Internet Protocol Version 6 Header Format

IPv6 boasts a concise header despite its address being quadruple the size of IPv4. Its header structure consists of a Fixed Header containing vital routing data, and potentially, Extension Headers for additional packet details. This design ensures efficiency and complexity improvements over IPv4. IPv6’s innovative approach enhances internet protocol capabilities, maintaining essential routing information while ...

Trapti Gupta

Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism

CRAM stands for Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism and it is a set of protocols used for authenticating a user by giving them a challenge and access is provided to the user only if they answer the challenges correctly.CAPTCHA is one example of Challenge Response Authentication. Introduction The Challenge Response Authentication mechanism is abbreviated as CRAM ...

Trapti Gupta

Active Directory Domain Services

An active directory is used for the management of computers and other devices on a network. Active Directory is a directory service that runs on Microsoft Windows Server. It is used for identification and also provides access management. Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is the most important component of Active Directory. The hierarchal structure ...