Articles for author: Trapti Gupta

Trapti Gupta

C Program for File Transfer Using UDP

UDP is an unreliable protocol. It does not create a dedicated path for transmitting packets. So it is a connectionless protocol. Its header size is very small i.e. 8 bytes only. What is UDP? User Datagram Protocol is abbreviated as UDP. UDP works on the transport layer. UDP is a connectionless and unreliable protocol. There ...

Trapti Gupta

Error Detection and Correction in Computer Networks

Errors are introduced into the binary data transmitted from the sender to the receiver due to noise during transmission. The error can be a single-bit error, multi-bit error, or burst error. Error detection methods are used to check whether the receiver has received correct data or corrupted data. And error correction is used to correct ...

Trapti Gupta

Proxy Servers and Web Caching

The proxy server is the gateway that acts as an intermediary server between the user and the internet and entry of cyber attackers is prevented by it.Web caching reduces the workload of the server by serving some of the requests of the web browser with the help of data stored in the cache. Scope What ...

Trapti Gupta

Types of DNS Attacks and Tactics for Security

DNS (Domain Name Server) translates the domain name into an IP address. DNS attacks target the Domain Name Server and its infrastructure. The most common types of DNS attacks are NXDOMAIN attacks, DNS spoofing, DNS amplification, etc. Scope What Is a Domain Name Server (DNS) Attack? Domain Name System is abbreviated as DNS and it ...

Trapti Gupta

Administrative Distance and Autonomous System

Administrative distance allows one to select the best path for reaching a destination when there are two or more routes defined by two different routing protocols for reaching the same destination node.An autonomous system is a group of more than one associated internet protocol (IP) prefixes along with a clearly described policy about how the ...

Trapti Gupta

Network Terminology

A computer network is a set of connected devices. Devices are connected through a link. In the computer network, devices can transmit data and information using protocols. The Internet is the biggest example of a network that connects devices globally and allows the transmission of data and information from anywhere in the world.The major terminology ...

Trapti Gupta

What is Network Simulator?

Network simulators and network emulators are used in the research work of the computer network. A network simulator is a tool or software program that allows for analyzing the relationships between different components connected in the network. What is a Network Simulation? Network Simulator Network simulation is one of the methods used in computer network ...

Trapti Gupta

Packet Flow in Different Network

For sending the packet to its destination we must be aware of the source MAC address and destination MAC address and source and destination IP address. The packet will be directly delivered if the destination is available in the same network otherwise the packet is sent to the default gateway first. Introduction For the successful ...

Trapti Gupta

Ring Topology

In ring topology, every node has a connection with two neighbor nodes. And they share a single continuous pathway for signal transmission in the whole network. Ring topology is used by the Local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN). What is Ring Topology? In a computer network, a ring topology is a type ...

Trapti Gupta

XAMPP vs WAMP: Key Differences

The full form of XAMPP is Cross-platform, Apache, Mysql, Php, and Perl. The full form of WAMP is Windows, Apache, Mysql, and Php. The main difference between xampp and wamp is that multiple operating systems are supported by xampp, but wamp can only work on Windows operating systems. In this article, we will learn the ...