Articles for category: Computer Network

Akshay Mishra

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Automatic distribution and assignment of IP addresses, default gateways, and other network characteristics to client devices are performed by a DHCP server, a type of network server. For clients to successfully communicate on the network, a DHCP server automatically delivers the necessary network parameters. Without it, the network administrator must manually configure each new client ...

Neha Kumari

Access Lists in Computer Networks

Explanation of an Access List. Access control lists (ACLs) execute message clarifying to regulate the movement of messages across a network. A message is describing supplies security by restricting traffic into a connection, limiting user and device approach to a network, and restraining traffic from going away from a network. Introduction Access-list (ACL) could be ...

Neha Kumari

DNS Spoofing | DNS Cache Poisoning

Domain Name System poisoning and spoofing are kinds of cyberattacks that use DNS server susceptibility to redirect traffic aside from permissible servers on the way to fraud. When you’ve proceeded to a defrauding page, you may be at a loss on how to resolve it — even with being the exclusive one who can. You’ll ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS

Have you ever seen http:// or https:// in a browser’s address bar while browsing a website? Both protocols allow a web server and a web browser to exchange data related to a specific website. What distinguishes these two, though? Well, https is secure since it has an extra s in it! The very short and ...

Sushant Gaurav

Build a Chatroom in Python

A chatroom is a minimal chatting application. A chatroom is a minimal server that we can create and allow several clients to connect. All the clients that are connected to the server can transfer messages and data to one another via the central server. In this project, we will broadcast our message to every client ...

Saksham Arya

Variable Length Subnet Mask

VLSM stands for variable length subnet mask is a concept that is used to divide a network into multiple subnetworks of different lengths. Introduction to Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) VLSM is a concept that is used to divide a network into multiple subnetworks of different lengths and sizes. VLSM is very commonly used in ...

Raghav Aggarwal

What is a Network Load Balancer?

To guarantee a positive user experience and low latency, it becomes essential for client applications to handle massive traffic reliably. The incoming load must be distributed among multiple computing resources in order to handle millions of concurrent incoming requests on an application; this type of computing is known as load balancing. AWS provides a very ...

Deepak Pandey

Types of Servers in Computer Network

You’ve already used the client-server model without even realizing it if you’re reading this article. You (the client) requested a resource (this webpage) delivered by a web server. A server is a computer program or a device that offers functionality to other computer programs known as clients or customers. Servers can provide a variety of ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Difference between Internet and WWW

Some people use the words “internet” and “World Wide Web” interchangeably. They believe they are the same, although this is not the case. The difference between the Internet and WWW (World Wide Web ) is essential to understand. WWW or web is one of the key services offered by the internet. The World Wide Web, ...

Aditya Saxena

Onion Routing

Onion routing is a method of communicating anonymously over a network. A data message is contained within several layers of encryption, in an onion network. This data is transferred via a sequence of network nodes known as onion routers—the onion routers "peel" away one layer, revealing the next destination of the data. Once the decryption ...