Articles for category: Computer Network

Saksham Arya

Variable Length Subnet Mask

VLSM stands for variable length subnet mask is a concept that is used to divide a network into multiple subnetworks of different lengths. Introduction to Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM) VLSM is a concept that is used to divide a network into multiple subnetworks of different lengths and sizes. VLSM is very commonly used in ...

Prithvi Raj Kumar

How to Calculate Subnet Information for an IPv4 Address?

Subnetting is the practice of logically dividing a single large IPV4 subnet address network into multiple networks for better performance.A Subnet Mask is used to denote the network size in the subnetting process. In networking, there are two types of broadly used addresses available in this world. They are the IPV4 address and the IPV6 ...

Shivam Verma


LZW (Lempel–Ziv–Welch) is a universal lossless data compression technique. This compression algorithm was developed by Abraham Lempel, Jakob Ziv, and Terry Welch. In hardware implementations, the algorithm is simple and has the potential for very high throughput. It is the algorithm used in the GIF image format and is part of the widely used Unix ...

Shivam Verma

IPv4 Datagram Header

IPv4, where IP stands for Internet Protocol, and v4stands for Version Four, is used to route Internet traffic and other packet-switched layer networks, such as Ethernet. It was the first version brought into action for production on SATNET in 1982and on the ARPANET in 1983. It is a 32-bit address that is organized into four ...

Shivam Verma

Longest Prefix Match Routing

The Longest prefix match is an algorithm that IP (Internet Protocol) routers use to select a routing table entry. This algorithm is also known as the Longest Match Routing Rule. It is used by routers in Internet Protocol (IP) networking to select a routing table entry. The router determines the egress (outbound) interface and the address of ...

Aditya Saxena

Program to Calculate the Round Trip Time

Round-trip time(RTT) in networking, also called the round-trip delay time is a benchmark that measures the amount of time it takes for a data packet to be sent in addition to the amount of time it takes for acceptance of that signal to be received in milliseconds. RTT delay also includes propagation times between two ...

Trapti Gupta

Error Detection and Correction in Computer Networks

Errors are introduced into the binary data transmitted from the sender to the receiver due to noise during transmission. The error can be a single-bit error, multi-bit error, or burst error. Error detection methods are used to check whether the receiver has received correct data or corrupted data. And error correction is used to correct ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Mobile Ad hoc Network

A wireless ad hoc network (WANET) or mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a type of wireless network that is decentralized. Since it doesn’t rely on a pre-existing infrastructure, like routers in wired networks or access points in wireless networks, the network is ad hoc. Instead, each node takes part in routing by sending data ...

Trapti Gupta

Types of DNS Attacks and Tactics for Security

DNS (Domain Name Server) translates the domain name into an IP address. DNS attacks target the Domain Name Server and its infrastructure. The most common types of DNS attacks are NXDOMAIN attacks, DNS spoofing, DNS amplification, etc. Scope What Is a Domain Name Server (DNS) Attack? Domain Name System is abbreviated as DNS and it ...

Neha Kumari

Wireless Mobile Communication

Wireless Mobile Communication is one of the rapidly expanding and high-tech domains in the mobile communication field. Wireless Communication is a technique of transferring pieces of information from 1 point of communication to another, disregarding exploitation of any wireless connection such as cables, wires, or any physical medium. Overall, in a very wireless communication organization, ...