Articles for category: Computer Network

Priyanshu Pandey

Circuit Switching in Computer Network

Circuit switching is a connection-oriented service that sends and receives data via a dedicated path. In circuit switching, it is necessary to establish an end-to-end path before delivering any data from the source to the destination. Due to the dedicated circuit path, circuit switching has the lowest probability of data loss. Still, a lot of ...

Sushant Gaurav

Difference between Web Browser and Web Server

Web browsers and servers each play a unique role in interacting with the internet. A web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, is a tool that allows users to explore websites and view their content. On the other hand, a web server is a remote computer that hosts websites and distributes their content to browsers, ...

Shivam Verma

Protocol Hierarchies in Computer Network

A protocol hierarchy in computer networks refers to the organization and arrangement of networking protocols in a layered structure. This layered approach helps in achieving interoperability, modularity, and ease of implementation and maintenance within complex network systems. The most well-known protocol hierarchy is the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, which consists of seven layers. You ...

Akshay Mishra

What is MAC Address?

MAC address is the physical address, which uniquely identifies each device on a given network. To make communication between two networked devices, we need two addresses: IP address and MAC address. A physical address that operates at the Data Link Layer is called a Media Access Control Address. It is assigned to the NIC (Network Interface card) of ...

Sakhi Bhagwat

IPv4 Address

The IPv4 address or the Internet Protocol Address is the fourth version of the Internet Protocol. IPv4 addresses are 32-bit addresses that are unique to every host or device on the internet. The IP address allows the host to be connected to other devices on the internet to communicate with them. There are two versions of Internet Protocol- IPv4 and IPv6. ...

Raj Bopche

Singly Linked List

A linked list is a dynamic data structure comprised of nodes, each containing data and a pointer to the next node. Unlike arrays, linked lists don’t require contiguous memory, making them ideal for dynamic resizing. The initial node, known as the HEAD, serves as the starting point for traversal. Comparatively, while arrays have fixed sizes, ...

Akshay Mishra

What is Ethernet?

Robert Metcalfe and others developed the Ethernet protocol at Xerox PARC in 1973 as a wired communication protocol that links computers over a network. This is a widely used LAN protocol, also called Alto Aloha Network. A wide area network and an original area network are connected by it. What is Ethernet? Ethernet in computer networks refers ...

Akshay Mishra

Access Network

Essential for connecting devices to broader networks, access networks underpin services like Internet, VoIP, and video streaming. Blending wired and wireless technologies is vital for personal and enterprise use. Maintained by ISPs, these networks continuously evolve, incorporating technologies like FTTH to enhance speed and reliability. What Does an Access Network Do?  Before the employment of ...

Trapti Gupta

Routing Table

In a computer, when the data packet is transmitted from one network to another network, it is required to choose the best path for transmitting the packet. Hence, routing is the concept of the network layer of the OSI suite, which selects the best path for transmitting packets among the network. The router is a ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Network Layer Protocols

Network Layer is responsible for how a machine in a network can communicate with a machine in a different network. The primary goal of this layer is to deliver packets from a source to a destination. The network layer splits data into fragments(data packets) and sends these fragments, which are then combined once the processing ...