Articles for category: Computer Network

Kanchan Jeswani

Physical Layer in OSI Model

OSI (Open System Interconnection) model is a conceptual model that is used to describe seven layers that computer systems use to communicate over a network. This model has been described in the form of 7 layers namely, Physical layer, Network layer, Data Link layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer and the application layer. All these 7 layers work together to transmit the ...

Shubhrima Jana

Flow Control and Error Control

Data Link Layer is responsible for reliable point-to-point data transfer over a physical medium. To implement this data link layer provides three functions : What is Flow Control in the Data Link Layer? Flow control is a set of procedures that restrict the amount of data a sender should send before it waits for some acknowledgment from the ...

Trapti Gupta

Cryptography and Network Security

Cryptography is a term used in data communication that refers to protecting the private information shared between two parties. Network Security refers to securing and protecting the network and data to ensure the confidentiality of data. What is Cryptography? Cryptography generally deals with the study and practice of techniques for ensuring secure communication between two parties ...

Akshay Mishra

What is MAC Address?

MAC address is the physical address, which uniquely identifies each device on a given network. To make communication between two networked devices, we need two addresses: IP address and MAC address. A physical address that operates at the Data Link Layer is called a Media Access Control Address. It is assigned to the NIC (Network Interface card) of ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Voice Over IP | VOIP

Voice over Internet Protocol(VoIP) is a way of transmitting voice and multimedia over a network. VoIP enables users to place voice calls via their computer, smartphone, other mobile devices, dedicated VoIP phones, and WebRTC-capable browsers. VoIP is a technology that benefits consumers and businesses because it typically includes features not available on traditional phone services. ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Subnetting in Computer Networks

When the IP system was first introduced, finding a network and sending data to it was easier because the number of users on the internet was limited. As the number of users on the internet is increasing, sending a data packet to the computer you want in a network is becoming quite difficult these days. When a ...

Rishabh Mahajan

Difference Between Hub and Switch

Hubs and switches, both integral to networking, differ significantly in how they manage data traffic. Hubs simply broadcast data to all connected devices, leading to potential network congestion and inefficiency. In contrast, switches are smarter, forwarding data only to the specific device it’s intended for, improving network speed, and reducing unnecessary traffic. This fundamental difference ...

Saksham Arya

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

A web browser and a web server can “talk” to each other using the ISO Latin1 alphabet, which is ASCII with extensions for European languages, thanks to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), a protocol (a set of rules that describe how information is exchanged on a network). What is HTTP Protocol? Have you thought about what happens when we ...

Trapti Gupta

Types of Area Networks – LAN, MAN and WAN

Computer Network is the interconnection of multiple devices. Mainly there are three types of computer networks: LAN (Local Area Network), WAN (Wide Area Network), and MAN (Metropolitan Area Network). LAN is used to connect devices in a small area like a building, office, etc. MAN covers the devices connected within a town or a city. WAN covers a large geographical area ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Application Layer in OSI Model

In the OSI model, the application layer is the layer closest to the end-user, implying that the application layer and the end-user can interact directly with the software application. The application layer isn’t an application. Instead, it’s a component within an application that manages how data is sent to and received from other devices. It’s an abstraction ...