Articles for category: Computer Network

Priyanshu Pandey

What is DNS (Domain Name System)?

Similar to how a phone’s contacts list matches names to numbers, the domain name system is a naming database that locates and translates internet domain names to their unique IP addresses. DNS is used in various internet activities to swiftly discover an IP address to connect to and access content. DNS is important because, for humans, it’s ...

Shivam Verma

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)

BGP is an external gateway protocol that exchanges routing information between routers in various autonomous systems. It is the protocol that is used between Internet service providers and can also be used between an enterprise and an ISP. The entire route to each destination is included in the BGP routing information. Using the routing information, ...

Shivam Verma

Public and Private IP Addresses

A public IP address is a unique IP address assigned to your network router by your internet service provider and can be accessed directly over the internet. A private IP address is a unique address that your network router assigns to your device. It is used within a private network to connect securely to other ...

Trapti Gupta

What is Port?

Virtual points where network connections begin and stop are called ports. Ports are software-based and controlled by operating system. Each port is connected to a different procedure or service. Ports allow computers to easily differentiate between different kinds of traffic: emails go to a different port number than webpages, for example, even though both reach ...

Sejal Somani

TCP Vs UDP – Difference Between TCP and UDP

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a collection of protocols used on the Internet for addressing and routing data. Every device has an IP address, which uniquely identifies it and allows it to communicate and share data with other internet-connected devices. TCP and UDP are the most widely used internet protocols. TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, and UDP is for User Datagram Protocol. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol whereas, ...

Agam Jyot Singh

Intradomain and Interdomain Routing

Routing is the process of choosing a path for transferring data from a source to a destination. Routing is performed using devices called routers. In order to send the packet by determining the best route from one network to another, routing is carried out at the network layer. The network layer primarily makes sure that ...

Shivam Verma

Bridge vs Repeater

A bridge is a computer networking device that connects multiple LANs (Local area networks) together to create a single, larger LAN. The process of aggregating networks is referred to as network bridging. Bridges operate at the data link layer according to the OSI model. A repeater is also a computer networking device operating at the OSI model’s physical layer ...

Akshay Mishra

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

ICMP works like the communication between the carpenter and the store. It relays messages from the receiver to the sender about the data that was supposed to arrive. ICMP protocol notifies the sender if the data is not received by the receiver or received in the wrong order. Thus, ICMP is a protocol for communicating ...

Sushant Gaurav

Stop and Wait ARQ

The stop and wait ARQ is one of the Sliding Window Protocol strategies that is used where reliable ordered delivery of the data frames is required. The stop and wait ARQ is used for noisy channels or links and it manages the flow and error control between the sender and the receiver. The stop and ...

Trapti Gupta

Socket Programming in Computer Network

Sockets in computer networks are used for allowing the transmission of information between two processes of the same machines or different machines in the network. The socket is the combination of IP address and software port number used for communication between multiple processes. Socket helps to recognize the address of the application to which data is to be sent using ...