Articles for category: Computer Network

Sindhuja Gudala

Packet Flow in the Same Network

For transferring a packet from the source host to the destination host in the network we require both the MAC and IP address of the destination host. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a protocol from the second layer i.e, the Data link layer in the OSI model that connects a dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address ...

Sushant Gaurav

Frequency Division and Time Division Multiplexing

The signal transmission over various channels can be performed in two different ways namely – Frequency division and Time division multiplexing. In frequency division multiplexing, we transfer many signals at the same time and each source transmits its signals in its allocated range of frequency. In the time division multiplexing, the transmission time is divided ...

Piyush Singhal

Data Link Layer in OSI Model

What is the Data Link Layer Protocol? Some Common Data Link Protocols are: Functions of Data Link Layer 1) Framing and Link Access 2) Reliable Delivery The Data Link Layer provides a guaranteed delivery service, i.e., it transmits network layer datagrams without error. Transmissions and acknowledgments are used to provide a reliable delivery service. A data ...

Priyanshu Pandey

LiFi vs WiFi

WiFi stands for Wireless Fidelity, while LiFi stands for Light Fidelity. LiFi and WiFi are both primarily utilized for internet-based applications. LiFi employs light as a medium for data transmission, whereas WiFi uses electromagnetic waves at various radio frequencies. Light experiences less interference than radio waves and can therefore be employed in settings with greater ...

Saksham Arya

Collision Domain and Broadcast Domain

To analyze the working and efficiency of the network devices, various metrics (a metric is defined as a standard or system of measurement) are used. The collision domain and the broadcast domain are two of those metrics. A collision domain is measured by finding out the number of devices whose signals collides with each other ...

Aditya Saxena

Diffie-Hellman Algorithm Implementation

The Diffie-Hellman Algorithm is a secure way of cryptographic keys exchange across a public channel. It was among the very first public-key protocols. Ralph Merkle came up with the Diffie-hellman key exchange and it was named after Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman. Within the fields of cryptography, DH (Diffie-Hellman) is the earliest example of public ...

Akshay Mishra

Token Ring Protocol

A communication protocol used in local area networks is called the Token Ring protocol (LAN). The topology of the network determines the sequence in which stations send in a token ring protocol. A single ring of connections connects all of the stations. It makes use of a unique three-byte frame known as a “token” that ...

Priyanshu Pandey

Difference between HTML and HTTP

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) are two completely distinct technologies. HTTP is an application protocol that governs how information travels on the World Wide Web, whereas HTML governs how Web pages are formatted and displayed. HTTP protocol determines how Web data is moved around the internet, whereas HTML is the ...

Trapti Gupta

Distance Vector Routing v/s Link State Routing

Routing is the process of choosing the path in the network. Distance vector routing is the routing protocol that selects the path based on parameter distance. Link State routing protocol is the protocol that chooses the best path based on the cost of the path. Introduction to Routing Routing decides the best path for the ...