Articles for category: Data Structures and Algorithms

N-ary Trees

An N-ary tree or Generic Tree is a tree that can have at most N children. If we replace N with 2 then we get a binary tree. In other words, an n-ary tree node can have between 0 to N child nodes. N-ary trees are used in various use cases but moreover, these are useful where we are required to represent hierarchical data with multiple branching points at ...

In Simple Chaining, What Data Structure is Appropriate?

Simple chaining (sometimes referred to as Separate chaining), is a collision resolution strategy followed in the concept of Hashing. As per the simple chaining strategy whenever there is a collision in HashTable, instead of looking for any other slot we prefer putting the data in the initial bucket i.e.i.e. generated by the hash function. So we would require some sort ...

Implementation of Queue Using Array

Problem Statement Write a program that implements the operations of queue using an array Implementation of Queue using Array Operations The queue is the linear data structure that works on the principle of FIFO( First In First Out). In queue insertion and deletion of elements takes place at two different ends. The addition of an element ...

Kosaraju Algorithm

Problem Statement Find all strongly connected components in O(V+E) time using Kosaraju’s algorithm. Strongly connected Component(SCC) – In a directed graph a strongly connected component is a component of the graph in which there is a path between every pair of vertices. Example Example of strongly connected component in a graph : Example Explanation In the above Example diagram ...

Line Sweep Algorithm

The line sweep algorithm is based on the idea of using a vertical imaginary line that moves in the rightward direction upon the occurrences of certain events defined by the current problem at hand. The line sweep algorithm is used to solve problems such as closest pair, line segment intersections, the union of rectangles, convex hull, Manhattan ...

Isomorphic graph

This article explains the concept of isomorphism in graph data structures. A pair of given graphs are said to be isomorphic graphs if they are structurally equivalent. It means there exists a mapping(bijection) between the vertices of the two graphs. Using this mapping, one graph can be converted into the other by replacing its vertices ...

Job Sequencing Problem

Problem Statement You are given a set of N jobs, where each job is having a deadline and a profit associated with it. You can only earn a profit if you complete the job within its given deadline. You can perform the job either before the deadline or strictly on the deadline, not after that. Rules: Input Format: The jobs will be ...

Longest Common Prefix

The common prefix between the two most dissimilar strings is the longest common prefix for an array of strings. For instance, there is no common prefix in the array apple, ape, and zebra since the two most distinct strings in the array, “ape” and “zebra,” do not share any initial letters. In this article, we will learn about the ...

Largest Subarray with 0 Sum

Problem Statement Given the array $ar[]$ of size, $n$ has positive and negative integers. From the array $ar[]$, find the length of the largest subarray having a 0 sum. As we have to find the length of the largest subarray. So, first of all, it is required to understand what is a subarray Subarray :A ...

Merge K Sorted Arrays

Problem Statement k number of arrays are given, the task is to merge all the given integer arrays in such a manner that the resultant array is sorted in the runtime only. Note: arrays are of equal size. Example: Output: Explanation The array at the output is sorted by combining elements of all the three ...