Articles for category: Data Structures and Algorithms

Fizz Buzz Program

The FizzBuzz problem, a common coding exercise, involves iterating from 1 to n. For each integer, print “Fizz” if it’s a multiple of 3, “Buzz” if a multiple of 5, “FizzBuzz” if divisible by both 3 and 5, and the number itself if none of these conditions apply. Creating a FizzBuzz program efficiently handles these ...

How to Move All Zeroes to End of Array?

Given an array of random numbers and zeros, arrange the array such that all the numbers restoring their order are moved in front and move all zeros to end of array. There are so many ways to solve this problem. We can make use of additional arrays, pointers, partitions, etc. Example to Understand Let us ...

Graph Algorithms

Graph algorithms are vital for analyzing interconnected data structures, enabling tasks like pathfinding and connectivity analysis in social networks and GPS systems. From route optimization to recommendation engines, they drive insights and optimizations across various domains. Their applications extend to fields like bioinformatics and logistics, showcasing their broad relevance in modern computing and problem-solving. What ...

Difference Between Stack and Queue Data Structures

There are many data structures like arrays, linked lists, and trees that are used to organise the data in a particular manner. A stack and a queue are two other data structures that are used to organise data. Both of them are linear data structures, which means they store and retrieve the elements in a sequencial manner from the structure when required. Stack ...

Dynamic Data Structures

A data structure is a way of storing, organizing, and efficiently maintaining data concerning both time and space. Data structures can be of two types, static and dynamic data structures. Static data structures are the ones in which the size of the structure is predefined and fixed. On the other hand, dynamic data structures are the ones whose size ...

Graph Representation

Graphs, as non-linear data structures comprising nodes and edges, represent relationships between entities. Three classic graph representation in data structure include Adjacency Matrix, Adjacency List, and Incidence Matrix. While Adjacency Matrix offers fast edge retrieval but consumes more space, Adjacency List is space-efficient but slower for edge retrieval. Incidence Matrix is rarely used due to its inefficient space utilization and slower ...

How to Convert Infix to Prefix Notation?

An infix expression is one that we use regularly. A single letter or operator followed by one infix string and another infix string makes up an infix expression such as A, A + B, and (A + B) + (C – D). Therefore, there are operators between operands in this. If the operator appears in an expression before the ...