Articles for category: Data Structures and Algorithms

Difference between Recursion and Iteration

The set of instructions is repeated using both recursion and iteration. When a statement within a function repeatedly invokes itself, recursion occurs. Iteration happens when a loop runs repeatedly until the controlling condition is satisfied. Recursion and iteration vary fundamentally doing the same thing. iteration is used to apply a set of instructions that we want ...

How to Master Data Structures and Algorithms?

Data Structures and algorithms is one of the most important topics that you need to have knowledge of along the path of being a software developer. The knowledge of this topic helps solve problems much more easily in the real world. It’s a skill that comes with practice. In this article, I will speak about the best ...

Dictionary in Data Structure

A dictionary in data structure is used to store the data in the form of key-value pair. The dictionary in data structure has an attribute called the key. The key is the attribute that helps us locate the data or value in the memory. A dictionary in data structure supports a wide variety of operations using a wide ...

Difference Between Algorithm and Flowchart

The difference between algorithm and flowchart is simply that algorithm is the collection of rules that should be followed while solving any particular problem. flowchart is diagrammatic representation of the algorithm. What is Algorithm? Let’s understand what an algorithm is to clarify the difference between algorithm and flowchart. An algorithm is a method for solving a problem step by step. An algorithm is a set ...

Difference Between BFS and DFS

The Difference Between BFS and DFS lies in their traversal methods. BFS explores nodes level by level, making it ideal for finding the shortest path. In contrast, DFS explores, as far as possible, each branch suited for topological sorting and detecting cycles. What is BFS? Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a vertex-based algorithm used to find the ...

Analysis of Algorithm

An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions, which are meaningful and used to solve any particular problem. To perform every process, there is a set of Algorithms, which lets us know how to proceed with the problem and solve it in some steps. The analysis of an algorithm is a technique that measures the performance of an ...

Delete a Node from Linked List

A linked list is a linear data structure that consists of nodes where each node has two fields. The first field is the data field, and the second field is the address field, which is a reference(link) to the next node. We can perform various functions in a linked list, like insertion, deletion, searching, sorting, and many ...