Priyanshu Pandey

Internetworking in Computer Network

Internetworking is defined as a way to connect multiple forms of computer networks. A computer network is defined as the interconnection of two or more computers. Computer internetworking occurs when several computer LANs, WANs, or parts of a computer network are linked together using devices such as routers and coordinated through a logical addressing system utilizing a protocol such as IP (Internet Protocol).

What is Internetworking in Computer Network?

Internetworking, often called interconnecting networks, is the practice of connecting different computer networks or network segments to create a larger and more extensive network infrastructure. Various networking technologies, protocols, and devices, including routers and switches, are used to enable communication and data exchange between these distinct networks.

The term internetworking is made up of two words, inter and networking, which refers to a link between two or more separate nodes/segments. Internetworking aims to establish a seamless and cohesive network environment in which data can transfer efficiently and effectively across several interconnected networks, regardless of their underlying technologies or architectures.

There is a slight difference between network expansion and Internetworking. Using a switch or hub to link two local area networks constitutes a LAN extension, whereas employing a router to connect them exemplifies internetworking. Internetworking operates within Layer 3 (Network Layer) of the OSI-ISO model. The most popular example of internetworking is the Internet.

How does It Work?

Internetworking establishes connections between distinct computer networks, allowing them to communicate and share data effectively. Every individual network node or phase is built with a similar protocol or communication logic, such as Transfer Control Protocol (TCP) or Internet Protocol (IP), to enable communication. Internetworking occurs when one network communicates with another using constant communication processes. The goal of internetworking was to overcome the problem of sending a packet of data across several lines.

Types of Internetworking

The three types of internetworking are as follows:

types of internetworking


In computer networks, an extranet refers to a controlled and secure extension of an organization’s internal network that allows authorized external parties, such as clients, partners, suppliers, or customers, to access certain resources, services, and information.

It is a network of internetwork that is restricted in scope to one organization or entity but also has restricted links to the networks of one or more other organizations or entities at times, but not always. It is the most basic level of Internetworking, usually imposed in an extremely private place. Although an extranet may be classed as a Man, WAN, or another type of network, it cannot include a single local area network and must include at least one reference to an external network.


An intranet is a private and internal network within a company that uses internet protocols and technology to allow employees or members to share information, resources, and services. It functions similarly to the internet but is limited to the members of the organization. Intranets are used for internal communication, document sharing, project collaboration, and access to internal tools and applications.

This type of computer network is a compilation of interconnected networks that leverage the Internet Protocol and employ IP-based tools such as web browsers and FTP applications. It operates under the jurisdiction of a single administrative entity. This entity restricts external access to the network, permitting entry exclusively to designated users. Commonly, this network functions as the internal infrastructure of a corporation or another business entity. In larger instances, this network may incorporate its web server, enabling users to access and navigate through available information.


The internet, short for interconnected network, is a global network of interconnected computers and computer networks that communicate with one another via standardized protocols. It is an immense network that allows people, organizations, and computers all over the world to share information, resources, and services.

It is a specific Internetworking, consisting of a worldwide interconnection of governmental, academic, public, and personal networks primarily based on the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) developed by ARPA of the United States Department of Defence and also home to the World Wide Web (WWW) and referred to as the ‘Internet’ to distinguish it from all other generic Internetworks. Participants on the internet, as well as their service providers, use IP addresses obtained from address registries that control assignments.

Internetwork Addressing

Data Link Layer Addresses

Data-link layer addresses serve as distinct identifiers for the physical network connections of network devices. These addresses, often referred to as hardware addresses or MAC addresses, are commonly utilized to uniquely identify devices within a network. They can be organized hierarchically or in a flat manner. Data-link addresses are typically pre-assigned to devices and remain constant for a specific device.

End systems typically possess a single data-link address due to their singular physical network connection. Conversely, routers and other internetworking components often feature multiple data-link addresses due to their numerous physical network associations.

MAC Addresses

MAC addresses are essential elements of the data-link layer, defining network identities within IEEE-assigned MAC address-based local area networks (LANs). Each local area network interface has a unique MAC address that represents a single network unit. These addresses have twelve hexadecimal digits and a length of forty-eight bits. The first twelve digits are the Organisational Unique Identifier (OUI), which is frequently handled by the IEEE and identifies the manufacturer or vendor.

The last six hexadecimal digits reflect the interface serial number or another value specified by the manufacturer. These MAC addresses are automatically copied from read-only memory (ROM) to random-access memory (RAM) during interface card activation. They are also known as burned-in addresses (BIAs).

Network Layer Addresses

Network addresses can appear in both structured address spaces and the more common virtual or logical address spaces. The relationship between the network address and the device is flexible and conceptual in nature. It frequently relies on elements such as physical network features or arbitrary groups rather than exact physical properties. Each network-layer protocol that an end system supports requires a network-layer address.

Similarly, routers and other internetworking equipment necessitate a distinct network-layer address for each physical network connection within their support for each network-layer protocol.

Note: IP addresses in computer networks come in two main types: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4, using 32-bit numbers like, faces scarcity issues. IPv6, with 128 bits in hexadecimal like 2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334, solves this problem.

Challenges to Internetworking

Internetworking comes with several challenges due to its complexity and the diverse technologies and systems involved. Some of the challenges include:

  • Scalability: As the number of devices and users on a network increases, the network must be able to handle growing traffic, data, and demands without incurring major performance degradation. It is a continuing struggle to design networks that can scale effectively.
  • Security: As networks become more connected, the potential attack surface for malicious actors grows. Protecting networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, viruses, and other online threats is an essential concern in internetworking.
  • Reliability and Redundancy: Networks need to be highly reliable, minimizing downtime and disruptions. Implementing redundancy mechanisms and failover systems to ensure continuous operation in the face of failures is complex but necessary.
  • Interoperability: Different networks and devices frequently employ a variety of protocols, standards, and technologies. It can be difficult to ensure smooth communication and compatibility among these disparate elements. Protocols such as TCP/IP have helped bridge these gaps, although problems can still exist.
  • Network Management: As networks grow in complexity, managing and monitoring them becomes increasingly challenging. Efficiently diagnosing and troubleshooting issues, optimizing performance, and ensuring proper resource allocation are ongoing tasks.
  • Resource Management: It can be difficult to manage network resources properly to ensure optimal performance, especially in shared environments. This includes responsibilities such as bandwidth allotment and congestion control.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Internetworking


  • Global Connectivity: Internetworking provides worldwide connectivity, allowing users and devices to communicate and exchange resources from all over the world.
  • Scalability: Internetworking allows networks to scale to accommodate growing numbers of users and devices without needing to rebuild the entire infrastructure.
  • Resource Sharing: Users can share resources such as files, printers, and databases across networks, increasing efficiency and collaboration.
  • Remote Access: Internetworking facilitates remote access to corporate networks, enabling telecommuting and remote management.
  • Redundancy and Failover: Redundant network connections and failover mechanisms improve network reliability, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operation.


  • Security Risks: Internetworking exposes networks to additional security concerns such as unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks.
  • Network Congestion: Increased connectivity can cause network congestion and poor performance, particularly during high usage times.
  • Privacy Concerns: Internetworking raises concerns about user privacy and data protection, particularly when sensitive information is transmitted across networks.
  • Dependency on Infrastructure: Organizations that rely on interconnected networks are vulnerable to outages or interruptions in the internet infrastructure.
  • Complexity: Connecting multiple networks using different technologies and protocols creates complexity in terms of configuration, management, and troubleshooting.


  • Internetworking is defined as a way to connect multiple forms of computer networks.
  • Internetworking aims to establish a seamless and cohesive network environment in which data can transfer efficiently and effectively across several interconnected networks, regardless of their underlying technologies or architectures.
  • Extranet, Intranet, and Internet are three types of internetwork.
  • Extranet refers to a controlled and secure extension of an organization’s internal network that allows authorized external parties to access certain resources, services, and information.
  • An intranet is a private and internal network within a company that uses internet protocols and technology to allow employees or members to share information, resources, and services.
  • The internet, short for “interconnected network,” is a global network of interconnected computers and computer networks that communicate with one another via standardized protocols.
